Merriam-Gilbert Public Library
Passes are available on a first come, first served basis.
No holds are allowed on passes.
Limit of 1 pass per family.
Not to be used for group discounts.
Passes – 3-day loan
AVAILABILITY 508-867-1410
1. Magic Wings–located in South Deerfield, MA. Masks age 3+
Open Tues.-Sun. from 10-5 Recommended
• Limited to 2 free admissions
• Adults - $16/Seniors - $14 (age 62 & over) (Wed. - $12.50)
• Children (3-17) & Students (up to age 22) w/valid student ID - $10
• Children under 3 - Free
2. Massachusetts ParksPass
• Free parking for one vehicle at over 50-day-use facilities
3. Salem Witch Museum–located in Salem, MA. Masks optional
Open daily from 10-5/July & August from 10-7
Note: Library passes are not accepted during the month of October.
Closed during January for maintenance.
• After checking out the pass, visitors must visit the website, to purchase up to six same-day discounted tickets using the code LIBRARY22. (Non-Refundable)
Also, bring confirmation email on the date of visit.
• Adults/Seniors - $13.50 Children(3-14) - $11.25
4. USS Constitution Museum - located in Boston, MA Masks optional
Open Daily: Summer from 9-6/Winter from 10-5
• Free admission for up to 9 visitors
5. Old Sturbridge Village
Half-price admission for up to four individuals. Some restrictions apply.
Please call or stop by the Library for more information.
NOTE: Passes are available on a first come/first served basis.
No holds on passes. Limit of 1 pass per family. Not to be used for group discounts!!!
Updated 07-2024